Richard Nye Blog

Listen Up!

Charlie K is now available on Audible, Google Play, Amazon,Spotify and Kobo.   Any time now on Apple ......


TV ?

Others having suggested it, the latest bee in my bonnet is that 'The Evolution of Charlie K' could be the basis for a TV series.  Have mapped out six episodes.  Just need get a scriptwriter interested!  I see Lee Child is doing the same for the Reacher books. He doesn't have to find an audience having already sold 100m books!

Meanwhile I've approved the audio files to go forward to Audible, Google Play etc.  Hopefully should go live in the next few weeks. I now have to find how to get people clicking to listen to Charlie K's adventures ......

Audible version

Have now sent a response to the draft audio files for correction to publisher.  Quite a time consuming business needing to precisely show time on file where each correction is needed. And there were a lot of them.  Mr Abinieri has a very engaging voice which works well but I had to take issue with prounciation of some names.

Once present on Audible I've got to work out a marketing strategy on Social Media.  Any advice welcome!   Today Google Analytics tells me I had ten new users logging on to this site.  Just hoping this can translate into some sales which at the moment are disappointing although reviews have all been encouraging.

Everybody is telling me my book would make a good TV series.   Watch this space!

5 Stars!

Just seen a nice 5* review by an Amazon reader: This is a very good and intriguing book. It follows the life of a young Papua New Guinea boy, Charlie K, from the days when PNG was still administered by Australia until independence. The cultures of the indigenous tribes and the mores of the ruling Australian police administraors are superbly captured, sometimes humourosly, sometimes sadly by someone who has clearly lived there.

Excited! Just received the draft reading of my book by Sebastian Abineri and have started to review it prior to approval before sending to Audible.


More interest?

Encouraged by the recent Goodreads review  and increased visits to my website, I've joined the 'Authors Den' - a US based site which allegedly sets out to give authors more exposure to the reading public.  We shall see if it works. As the saying goes .... Rome wasn't built in a day!

Goodreads Review of 'The Evolution of Charlie K'

Just banging my drum here with a Goodreads review by Helen :

I'm really surprised this book isn't more talked about. This was such an insightful look into tribal life some sixty years ago in Papua New Guinea.  Themes of racism and prejudice that are still relevant today are portrayed without making it feel like a lesson.

Readers of the World - Welcome!

Google Analytics tells me that my website has been logged onto with unsurprisingly, most times from the UK, next the USA, but close behind in 3rd place, no other but China! So welcome 欢迎  Chinese reader friends!

Listen up!

Decision made ..... have decided to go ahead with an audio version which will be available on Audible and other retailers in a few months time.  It will be interesting to hear how the narrator deals with the different accents which range from Texan drawl to Pidgin English!